Protect your pet from the cold. important tips for caring for your pet in winter

Pets no inverno: saiba como cuidar dos bichos Lorena Bueri

With the end of high temperatures, sweat and strong sun, winter times have arrived, which are suitable for warmer, more stylish and comfortable clothes. But the cold also has its disadvantages, including for pets. So Jade Petronilho, veterinary behaviorist and content coordinator at DogHero and Petlove, and Andre Romeiro, director of the Future Pet and … Read more

With Rob’s help, the kitten loses 2 kg

Robô auxilia gatinho a emagrecer quase dois quilos em São Paulo Lorena Bueri

Mano, a kitten from São Paulo, achieved a significant weight loss of almost two kilograms thanks to an innovative method that highlights the increasing presence of robots and artificial intelligence in everyday activities. The cat was adopted by Niva when it was already close to nine kilograms, and about a year and a half later … Read more

Stop eating Mineiro. Dogs over 20 pounds are required.

Cachorra com mais de 20 quilos é obrigada a parar de comer comida mineira  Lorena Bueri

Last Sunday, the 4th, program “Fantastic”.from TV Globoshowed the story puppy mel who lost seven kilograms in two years after undergoing a weight loss process. This story had reactions on social media this Tuesday, the 6th. Watch the video for a little bit of Mel’s story. (Video: Replay/YouTube) As the report found, obesity was leading … Read more

The Chocolix. Teachings about children’s values.

Nova edição de livro infantil “Os Chocolix”, traz ensinamentos sobre valores, respeito e amizade Lorena Bueri

The new volume of the children’s book “Os Chocolix” is coming to bookstores in June. Along with the success of the series and the first edition, author Jacqueline Shore begins “Adventure Aquarium”, the new story of the famous family of chocolates with different colors and personalities. To encourage children to read, the author intends to … Read more

Gabriel Braga Nunes participates in the book presentation of the author Carolina Delboni,

Gabriel Braga Nunes prestigia o lançamento do livro da autora Carolina Delboni,  Lorena Bueri

Last Thursday (16), educator and writer Carolina Delboni, specialist in adolescent behavior, launched her book entitled “Desafios da Adolescence na Contemporaneidade – A Conversation with Parents and Educators” at an event at Livraria da Vila da Rua Fradique Coutinho. Names such as Paulo Borges, Ignacio de Loyola, Paulo Seches, Flavia Reno, Camila Yan and others … Read more

Back to school. 4 tips to prepare your child’s day

Volta às aulas: 4 dicas para preparar o seu filho  para a rotina escolar Lorena Bueri

January is undoubtedly the most awaited month for children because of the holidays. But the days pass and gradually everyday life returns to normal. Therefore, mothers and fathers should be careful and make an appropriate and functional plan for their children, so that the little ones adapt to the schedule faster and naturally. And to … Read more