Cats with clipped claws are more aggressive and unruly

Cats that have

Onychectomy. this is the name of the procedure for cutting cat’s nails. Since these claws pose a real threat to couches and cushions in a domestic environment, the technique is already widely used by cat owners. A practice now illegal in several countries (since 2008 in Brazil) and contraindicated by veterinarians, declawing cats can also … Read more

Dogs can smell fear in people

Dogs can smell fear in people

Dogs can sense in a fraction of a second when a person is afraid. You may have already noticed this in practice. Now science knows how they do it – through smell. In an experiment conducted by Italian researchers, three groups of people watched happy, scary, or neutral videos (which did not elicit any emotional … Read more

Dogs have twice as many neurons as cats

t dogs

A lie repeated enough times becomes the truth. This is a case of the most common myth in the animal world, that cats are beings of unparalleled intelligence who want to rule the world, while dogs are satisfied with their owner’s cup of tea. A study published yesterday by scientists at Vanderbilt University found that … Read more

Five tips for caring for your pet on hot days

Five tips for caring for your pet on hot days

This summer’s above-average temperatures highlight the need for extra pet care. Those who own cats and dogs should increase vigilance to ensure the thermal well-being of their companions. On days when the heat causes discomfort and poses a threat to human health, the same concern applies to pets. 1- Additional hydration Make sure your pet … Read more

Why do small dogs live longer?

Why do small dogs live longer?

A recent study published in the journal PLOS ONE looked at more than 25,000 dogs of 238 different breeds in the United States, analyzing the relationship between the animals’ age, their size, and the prevalence of disease. The results may provide insight into why small dogs typically live longer than large ones. Although scientific evidence … Read more

HOPI HARRY – The funnest country in the world

HOPI HARRY - The funnest country in the world

Planning to travel to the interior of São Paulo with friends, family and children? Hopi Hari Park is the best choice for those looking for fun and adventure. There are several reasons why you should not miss the opportunity to visit this amusement park. Fun for all ages. Hopi Hari is known for offering attractions … Read more