Home – Jazzmasters

Home - Jazzmasters

Check out the events that carry the Jazzmasters brand.From solo shows to big shows, we’ll be promoting it here. Music, dance, theatre, literature, film, visual arts and all that good art can provide in terms of variety and entertainment.

AMIR Brasil brings global expertise in partnership with Revalidando

AMIR Brasil traz expertise global em parceria com Revalidando Lorena Bueri

AMIR, the world’s largest Spanish-language educational institution for the healthcare sector, has just arrived in Brazil in a strategic partnership with Revalidando, a pioneer in the revalidation market. With more than 15 years of experience and presence in more than ten countries, AMIR aims to offer excellent medical education, contributing to the transformation of global … Read more

Signs among the stars

Signs among the stars

For most of the day, influences will bring us fleeting relationships, movement and versatility. At the end of the period, this situation changes and we will feel a strong attachment to our roots and emotional foundations. ARIES Your day. today you live in a moment when good aspects point to the support of new personal … Read more

Who wouldn’t? PRF is looking for an owner for a ‘retired’ police dog

Who wouldn't?  PRF is looking for an owner for a 'retired' police dog

The PRF (Federal Highway Police) in ParanĂ¡ is looking for a new home and a responsible owner for the police dog Echo, who left the operational service in November last year. The “retirement” ceremony, along with Chuck the dog, took place after eight years of outstanding work uncovering drugs, weapons and ammunition. Echo had trouble … Read more

Signs among the stars

Signs among the stars

The unpredictability caused by the unpredictable Moon advises to be more attentive to commitments and the beginning of any new ventures and initiatives that are important for the future. ARIES Your day. today there is a chart that shows possible solutions to problems related to social routines. Interests: a very strong influence is converging now … Read more

Pet Sangue Bom campaign encourages donations in DF

Pet Sangue Bom campaign encourages donations in DF

With a view to encourage the establishment and maintenance of veterinary blood banks for domestic animals, whether public or private, the Federal District Government on Monday (22) promulgated the law in the Official Gazette of the Federal District (DODF). nº 7,415/2024, authorized by Governor IbĂ¡Ă±ez Rocha. – ADVERTISEMENT – The text defines the Pet Sangue … Read more