Discover six reasons to invest in postgraduate studies – Diário do Rio de Janeiro

In an increasingly volatile environment, the labor market changed rapidly. If previously a career could be planned within the same company, the new context required flexibility and adaptability from professionals so that they could manage their growth opportunities. A study by employment consultancy Catho, which currently has nearly 2 million registered users on its platform, found that a postgraduate degree can increase the salaries of top professionals by almost 50%, in addition to 53.7% for those positions. coordinator and manager.

As important as the area and topic of this training is, the choice of institution is a fundamental factor in the success of this decision. It is important that it offers a consistent learning process and appropriate professional support to complete the course. Tosani Neto, 36 years old, lives in Luanda, the capital of Angola. He chose PUC Minas because of the differences the university offers and its international excellence. He says this was his first experience with EAD recorded lessons and he didn’t feel any difference between in-person and online learning, aside from the practicality of organizing study time. “The PUC has a methodology that has made it possible to share studies of Angolan and Brazilian law. The support and interactions provided by the CANVAS platform made a big difference,” he says.

Ranked among the 10 most respected educational institutions by Brazilian employers and receiving the maximum score (5) in the MEC, PUC Minas, headquartered in the capital of Minas Gerais, has more than 400 course options in 35 fields of knowledge, Two integrated modes of barrier-free learning distance learning with recorded video lessons (asynchronous) and online with live lessons (synchronous).

Discover six benefits that a specialization at PUC Minas can offer

  • Differentiation in the labor marketBy obtaining this certification, a professional stands out as an expert in a chosen subject, which can significantly increase their chances of employment or promotion.
  • Improvement of professional skillsSpecializations offer more practical and objective learning related to their field of study, which enhances the technical skills acquired during the undergraduate course.
  • Deepening of knowledge. The content covered in a postgraduate degree is specific, allowing a professional to delve into one or more areas within their area of ​​expertise.
  • Greater opportunities for salary increases and security. In highly specialized fields or fields that represent new trends in the labor market, the demand for specialists is high. Professionals with graduate degrees tend to have greater job security because they are considered essential for certain functions or projects. Natalia Linjares, who lives in the state of Goiás, chose to attend the course live online, made possible by PUC Minas. She was a student of the Compliance and Corporate Governance course, with recorded lessons in the EAD mode, and is currently studying for an MBA in ESG and Innovation. “I have no doubt that this is the qualification that has given me the opportunity to be a senior risk and internal control analyst at the moment,” he emphasizes. Among the differences of the course, he singles out the practical activities carried out in the last period of specialization. “We had the opportunity to practically build a compliance program, and that made a big difference,” he says. In addition to the quality of teaching, the specialist reinforces the flexibility of the proposed method, which does not allow him to waste time in traffic and allows him to study and take care of his three-year-old daughter.
  • Network connection. Adopting a specialization program puts the professional in contact with other professionals in the field, especially online offers, as it creates opportunities to expand the network of relationships, significantly increasing interaction with professionals from different parts of Brazil and even other countries.
  • Entrepreneurship. Postgraduate studies offer great opportunities to those who want to undertake; Whether you want to brush up on your technical knowledge or train yourself to manage your own business, there are countless training opportunities.

Open for subscriptions

Registration for online courses with live courses (offered by IEC PUC Minas) is open and classes start in 2024. from April 5. Registration for distance learning courses via video (offered by PUC Minas Virtual) must be completed by 2024. March 4. classes opening from March 11 for approved courses. Registration is free for all seasons and can be done through the institution’s website:

PUC Minas

Considered one of the best private universities in Brazil, PUC Minas is the only private institution in Minas Gerais included in the Times Higher Education ranking of the best universities in the world. It is recognized by the market as one of the most innovative in Brazil and one of the five most respected employers in the country (RUF). With a highly qualified faculty with extensive market experience, it offers one of the strongest postgraduate portfolios in terms of number of majors and variety of topics. And for more than 25 years of history, PUC Minas has already trained more than 86,000 professionals throughout Brazil.


Registration is open for postgraduate courses offered by PUC Minas (modes: direct online and distance learning with video classes). Additional information: or (31) 3319-4444.


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