LGBTQIA+ foreigners buy all new properties in Ipanema – Behind the scenes in Rio – Diário do Rio de Janeiro

Photo: Daniel Martins/Diário do Rio

A recent socio-economic survey of the cities of Rio de Janeiro has been carried out TCE-RJ It is from 2021. Although the epidemic is halfway through, it was expected that the 2023 study would have already been published.

Closed house
you restaurants in Marina da Gloria will be closed due to G20 foreign ministers meeting and will not receive any financial compensation. Institutions must bear the loss incurred due to the closure of the meeting within 3 days.

Soft power
The meeting, which will take place on Thursday, between Mayor Eduardo Paes and Chancellor and former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Baron Cameron of Chipping Nortonshows the power of Soft Power Carioca.

Everything became a farm
LGBTQIA+ expats shop all new releases next to the 2nd most beautiful beach in the world, Ipanema.

Support vs
Despite the greater participation of Brazilian tennis players in 10 years Rio Open:Oh Governor Claudio Castro wished the Spaniard Carlo Alcaraz who wins the tournament in their meeting at Palacio Larangeiras.

Two similarities unite the 3 champions of the Rio Carnival. Unidos do Viradouro (Special), Unidos de Padre Miguel (Gold) and Unidos de Vila Kennedy (Rating). apart from Unidos, three use red and white. Already a silver series champion, Island oxit’s not Unidos, but it has the same colors.

Matches II
Coincidentally, the same is happening with Unidos do Porto da Pedra, which fell this year.

There will be no shortage of paper
The Achilles heel of Japeri’s mayor, Fernanda Ontiveros (PT) that: Councilor Thiago Careca looked at the procurement notice for cleaning materials from the health department and drew attention to the unusual procurement of sixty-eight thousand toilet paper rolls, 30 meters each.

There will be no missing Paper II
Doing the math, that was more than two million meters, which would be enough to go from Rio de Janeiro to the state of Alagoas in a straight line.

There will be no role III
Given the amount of toilet paper in the Electronic Auction, Tiago questioned whether the contract included Alfredo, who, who doesn’t remember, is Neve’s iconic butler who carried a tray of toilet paper rolls every time. the consumer called when the product was out of stock.

Privatization in PA
the president of Casa de Rui Barbosa Foundation, Alexander Santinnitogether with the leader Archives of the Brazilian Literature Museum, Maria de Andraderecently presented in Brazil a proposal to transform the AMLB into a social organization with the aim of managing the collections of writers such as C.Arlos Drummond de Andrade It is Clarice Lispector. However, in Ministry of Culture vetoed the proposal.

The Wedding Dress
Oh Cesgranrio Theater will present the musical starting this Thursday The Wedding Dressbased on the play Nelson Rodriguez which premiered in 1943. The show will last until March 3.


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