State network students get a place in higher education through Sisu

Becoming the first doctor in the family is a dream that is getting closer and closer to public school students. These stories are becoming more and more frequent in the lives of students in schools belonging to the Minas Gerais State Department of Education (SEE/MG).

They excelled in last year’s National Secondary Education Examination (Enem), the country’s main gateway to higher education, and secured places in public universities through the Unified Selection System (Sisu).

SEE-MG / Disclosure

This is the case of Joao Vitor Fernandez Rodríguez Ribeiro, 18 years old. The young man, who studied at the Padre José Silveira State School in Warzelandia, in the north of Minas Gerais, took first place in medicine at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) in quilombola quotas. Coming from a humble background, the future doctor values ​​his family’s encouragement in his studies.

“Since I was a child, I was always encouraged to dedicate myself to school and value knowledge. Mainly because of my grandmother, who didn’t finish primary school and supports me a lot in my studies. I want other poor black boys and girls to see that it is possible to achieve acceptance,” she emphasizes. João Vitor is also established in medicine at the State University of Montes Claros (Unimontes).

Participation Enem

In order to further encourage the participation of state network students in Enem and entrance exams, SEE/MG will develop activities during the 2024 academic year focusing on high school.

“For example, a learning platform, participation in fairs and career shows, live classes, among other strategies, will be developed to enable graduates to access higher education if they so desire,” says SEE/ Director of Secondary Education. MG, Rosely Lima.

Marcos Vinicius Moutinho, Director of the Public School of Adriano José Costa, Contagem, Belo Horizonte (RMBH) Metropolitan Region, emphasizes the relevance of the actions developed by the SEE/MG.

“During the year, we developed several incentives for our students with the aim of showing the importance of learning for life, including at the technical level, one of the modes offered in our school. “Initiatives such as the Program for Reorganization of Teaching (PRA) and Strengthening of Schools support the diversification of the curriculum and new methodologies of work,” says the director.

Anieli Silva de Oliveira is one of the highlights of EE Adriano José Costa. The young woman, who used to be a student of the technical administration course, has placed first in the Animal Husbandry course at the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), Zona da Mata.

“I graduated from high school in 2018 and returned to school in 2022, this time to take a technical course in administration. The course helped me a lot with calculations in Enem Maths. Furthermore, the discipline I had in balancing work and studies helped me develop writing improvement and study techniques that earned me an 880,” says the student who dreams of working with animals.


Enem not only allows candidates to enter public universities, but can also offer the desired course with 50% or 100% scholarships through the University for All program (Prouni).

This is the case of Larissa Fernández Santos from Escola Estadual Senador Melo Viana, Moeda, RMBH, who received a 100% scholarship to a private college to study Accounting. Despite the challenges and responsibility of taking on the enemy, the young woman values ​​the support of her school and family.

“While preparing for the exam, the school conducted simulations and essays. I have always been familiar with numbers, and I chose the course because of the employability of the area,” says the young woman, excited about her graduation course.

Approvals in a wide variety of engineering fields are also a reality for the state grid. The Production Engineering course at the Federal University of São João del Rey (UFSJ) has received a new student. Larissa da Silva Cardoso, who studied at Abeyard Pereira Public School in Lagoa Durada, is experiencing fulfillment.

“Manufacturing engineering has always been in my course options. Getting settled right out of high school is a great satisfaction. The school played a fundamental role in my training. Enem preparation course proposal helped me organize my ideas and compose a good essay. I am grateful for the support of the mathematics teachers, especially William Resende, who helped me a lot in the exact area of ​​the exam,” says the future engineer.

Emti students in Sisu 2024

Students who attended full-time high school (Emti) performed well in public university acceptances. César Augusto Tiago Toto from Mestre Zeca Amâncio State School in Itabira is one example. The candidate, approved in Computer Science at the Federal University of Ouro Preto (Ufop), combined full-time schooling with an additional home study regimen.

“I used to come from school around 5pm and take the previous editions Enem tests by 10pm. Moreover, on Saturdays, I was focused on writing,” says the young man in the field of information technology. “It is very gratifying to see a large number of Emti students confirmed in Sisu 2024. This shows us that we are developing an educational policy with positive results,” he says.

Working with integrative activities expands repertoires, deepens learning and, in addition, offering to work with social-emotional skills also prepares the student for the grueling moment of the test.

“In comprehensive education, excellent academic learning enables learning effective teaching methods for students’ cognitive development, while learning for life enables the development of skills such as self-awareness and self-regulation that are so important for this moment of entering academic life. to be successful,” says Claudia Lobo, SEE/MG’s full-time secondary education coordinator.

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